Thursday 21 October 2021

Qatar's First Canceller

My overall aim in these posts is not only to document philatelic history but also to highlight other inconsistencies.

I recently posted about the opening of the Postal Office in Umm Said. Today I would like to refer to the first Postal Cancellation of Qatar which was just prior to opening of the first Post Office in Doha.

Having access to the Qatar Philatelic & Numismatic Club gives me the benefit of seeing extremely rare covers as the ones in the images below.

In the below images, I shall not only show the first know cancellation of Qatar, but also some inconsistencies that are known to exist. Some refer to them as fakes, but I would like to think of them as inconsistencies that in themselves help tell a story.

Click to enlarge

Regarding telling a story, the below image describes the inconsistencies in canceller of the Political Officer in Qatar. As described, although there is little doubt of the authenticity (actually forgery) of the cancellation used on one of the covers. This in itself tells of the story of the Opening of the First Postal Office in Qatar, and its relation to Bahrain. As I shall explain on a later post, Bahrain initially was running the shots in relation to the mail system, but this did not last long.

Click to enlarge

Fakes - Forgeries - highlights another future topic that I would like to expand on. Clearly stamps are a valuable commodity in both mint and used version. In mint allows mail to be sent at the price of a print or photocopy. In used, allows it to be sold to collectors at a higher value than that it costs to produce a fake. So, how to overcome this? A topic I shall expand on very soon.

Until then, please leave your comments and suggestions below.


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