Friday 22 October 2021

History of the Regional Post Offices

I have on a previous post talked about 'How it all began'. In that post I was developing the idea on how the  concept of the local designed stamps began.

Eventually the first of Qatar designed stamps were shown on, expanding on the specific artists responsible for their design - Postal Notice for the 1961 Definitive Issue.

Not surprising, the designers of Qatar's first stamps were also involved in the first stamps of the Trucial States.

Clearly, the relationship between all the states in the area were intrensically linked, due to their geopolitical connections. The issue of stamps have always being linked to territorial claims, the states in the Persian Gulf are no different in this aspect. The British, being aware of this, took advantage of this to lay claims and allow the states to claim independence from the Ottoman Empire, and from each other, by the issue of stamps.

This movement towards their own independence can be seen in the timeline below. It begins at the opening of Oman post office back in the 19th century, moving to the first cancellation, issue of the first local stamps all the way to complete postal independence.

Pleas click below to learn more.

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