Thursday 23 September 2021

Qatar Stamps - Reaching for the stars

 I apologise, for the lack of recent posts. And also for todays posts, where I do not give as much emphasis to the stamps themselves. But I do feel the topic is pertinent and important.

It was Galileo Galilei who risked it all, including excommunication whose discovery made it possible for us to reach for the star when he discovered and published:
"In my studies of astronomy and philosophy I hold this opinion about the Universe, that the Sun remains fixed in the centre of the circle of heavenly bodies, without changing its place, and the Earth, turning upon itself, moves round the Sun."

Today, this reach for the stars, has allowed us to better comprehend our little corner of the universe, and how perilous its journey is. Please click on the image to learn more. 

On my next post I promise to elaborate more on the stamps themselves, as there is an interesting story within them.

Please share your thoughts or just comment.

Click to enlarge

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