Wednesday 15 September 2021

Qatar Post From a Government held to a Public Listed Company

Post offices around the world, with the advent of new technologies, have seen a declining volume of mail. To combat this, and allow fair competition, with the associated improvements to the public in general, Qatar Government, like so many others around the world, opted to transform the post office into a private held corporation in 2001.

This lead directly to a rebranding of the company and an increase in services and facilities provided. Such as direct access to more information for users through its website, and improve facilities at existing offices (such as adding post boxes to the Matar Qadeem in November 2002).

In 2017, the post office became a public listed company but fully government owned. This again came with a rebranding and an increase in services provided to the public.

Today Qatar Post competes directly with the likes of Aramex, DHL, FedEx in providing direct rapid services as well as other internet agents taking advantages of newly formed entities such as Connected by Qatar Post and Turkish Souq amongst others.

As far as our hobby is concerned, a new service has been included - philatelic sponsorship. This allows companies to design stamps to project their brand/image. A three tier service is available. Which hopefully, as it catches on will provide for more innovation and interesting stamps for us to collect.

Click to enlarge

Below is a description of the 2002 and 2017 logos of the Qatar Post Corporation

Click to enlarge

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