Sunday 5 September 2021

Qatar Stamps - Early Pearling

Qatar waters were know to produce some of the best Pearls and were highly sought after by people far and wide. This was the early source of Qatar's fortunes. But on the advent of the cultured pearl, also its downfall, until the discovery of oil.

These stamps show some of the traditional tools used in the pearl diving, click to learn more.

Click to enlarge

In 2010, the Doha Film Institute made a short film describing the life of the pearl fishermen, titled "The Land of Pearls", click on the below image to see the film.

Click to watch the movie "The Land of Pearls"

William Gifford Palgrave was a British Jesuit who was the first Westerner to cross the Arabia Peninsula the from Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. To safely cross the lands he occasionally disguised himself as  Christian physician. He crossed from Syria through Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman. He spent 10 days in Qatar, having arrived Doha (Al Bidda) on the 29th of January 1862. Click on the image below to read his book from the Qatar National Book Repository.

Click to read his book

For a more abbreviated version of his story click on the map below:

click to read an abbreviated version

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