Tuesday 31 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - The Preservation of the Nubian Temples

Once the design of the new Aswan High Dam was completed, it was realised that many of the Nubian Temples would be submerged forever, the Egyptian Government seek assistance from the United Nations on how best to preserved them.

The below stamps show how awareness for this project was successfully raised around the world and they have been preserved for all mankind.

Click on the image to know more, or simply share your favourite examples of Nubian Preservation stamps.

Click to enlarge

Click on the below links to learn more:


  1. Very interesting & informative article. Congratulations to you for the research and for sharing the knowledge behind the issue of these set of stamps. Getting hold of this set of stamps with new currency is a challenge and getting the imperforate set in old currency is a very very big challenge. It’s one of the very scarce set of stamps issued by Qatar. Cheers & keep up the good work.

  2. So apparently Mr Iben Al Haithum was proved wrong when in 1902 the British built the Aswan lower dam and managed to save these monument / temples from submerging.

    1. Well, it took approximately 900 years to be proven partially wrong. After all, the 1902 Dam was not so effective as flooding was still occurring on a regular basis, requiring the Aswan High Dam to be built.
      Correct for 900 years, definitely an amazing prediction record.
