Monday 23 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - Colour Proofs

 While in France from early on the Government Printing Office has taken advantage of collectors search for unique elements and has officially printed colour proofs fro vemry early on and sold to collectors or given away to prominent figures,

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this is not generally the case. Either way, colour proofs still remain rare and highly sought after by collectors as a way to enhance their collections.

Generally, colour proofs are made by the printers as a way to check the quality of the print of a new stamp issue. They are also part of the design and approval process of the stamp. Both these elements permit a certain amount of proofs to reach the market, from either the printer as a way to enhance income or from the post office as a way to please collectors.

Qatar is no exception to this, and there are a number of colour proofs, design proofs and other artefacts available for the collector, although they remain rare.

The below image (click to enlarge), is of the 1965 Fish series, for which it is relatively easy to find.

Click to enlarge

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