Tuesday 31 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - The Preservation of the Nubian Temples

Once the design of the new Aswan High Dam was completed, it was realised that many of the Nubian Temples would be submerged forever, the Egyptian Government seek assistance from the United Nations on how best to preserved them.

The below stamps show how awareness for this project was successfully raised around the world and they have been preserved for all mankind.

Click on the image to know more, or simply share your favourite examples of Nubian Preservation stamps.

Click to enlarge

Click on the below links to learn more:

Saturday 28 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia

A scout jamboree was held in England to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Brownsea Island Camp and the Centenary of its founder Baden Powell. Some 33,000 scouts from approximately 90 countries participated in the event. Many of these countries also issued stamps to celebrate the event. This was started the Scout and Guide Stamp Club with the appropriate Scout Patches being produced.

Click on the image to learn more.

Click to enlarge

 If you would like to read more on the Kuwait issue please click on the stamp below.

Click on the stamp to learn more about the Kuwait version  of the stamp,

Thursday 26 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - Coin Issue of 1965

The Coin Issue of 1965 has always intrigued me. It was one of the sets that enticed me to start collecting stamps from Qatar.

It intrigued me because there were no coins ever issued with that design and so it appeared as more an ego trip than anything else.

However, after much research I have found that, at the time, while most Arabian Gulf countries were reliant on the Indian Gulf Rupee, they were afraid of being taken on a 'roller coaster ride' with the possible devaluation. So much so that Kuwait broke away from the system in 1961 and by 1965 Bahrain followed suit.

''The other states began to look for an alternative - a common Arabian Gulf Currency.

Click on the image below to learn more.

Click to enlarge

Below is a description of the proposed designs for the Arabian Gulf Currency and how the designs were later incorporated into some other regional currencies. For further reading look for the Arab Collector magazine - April 2019 - for a deeper insight at this coin design by Dr. Mazen Mira.

Click to enlarge

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - Printers Proof

 A few days ago we looked at progressive colour proof for the 1965 Fish Series. But there are many different types of printer proofs, and today we look at another one.

Some proofs are more rare than others, but all are sought after by collectors as a way to make their collection unique and therefore more appealing (valuable).

Please feel free to share other proofs you have in your collection - whether from Qatar or not.

Click to enlarge

Tuesday 24 August 2021

The History of Philately

The below article from the 'Times of India - 10th of August 1894' tells us the story of philately as it was 160 years ago.

"The art of stamp collector, which has spread to all over the civilised world has called into being the trade of the stamp dealer with his catalogues and circulars. The stamp collector, or philatelists as they are called, have their own journals, their own literature, and their own societies. There is in some minds, a constant desire to sort and classify, and to these philately particularly appeals

The origin of the idea of collecting stamps emanated, it is said from Belgium, and thence spread to France, to germany and to England. At the present day there is scarcely a country which has any pretension to civilisation that does not possess some votaries of philately while most have societies and journals devoted to it. The Stamp Collectors' Magazine (see below) was first issued in 1863; in 1972 the first auction pf postage stamps was held; today there are more than 20,000 stamp dealers in Europe, and one of the fraternity has just retired from business with a fortune of £50,000 (about £1,700,000 in todays currency) . In 1 1890, the Jubilee year to the Penny Postage, an Exhibition of postage Stamps was held inLeeds, which gave a great stimulus to the scientific study of the subject, whilst lately the British Museum accepted the collection of Mr. Tapling, M.P., which was valued at £60,000.

The so called 'craze' has taken hold of society at both ends. The school-boy or school-girl, who puzzles over mysterious stamps from unknown lands, is getting a lesson in geography, more likely ro abide in the memory than any paragraph in a book. All ranks of society have adepts in stamp collecting amongst them; the Czar is said to have a collection which ranks third in value in the world, and the Queen and the Prince of Wales are also great collectors. The Duke of Saxe-Cohurg is president of the London Philatelic Society, and his nephew, the Duke of York, is one of the vice-presidents, whilst in India not a few of our native princes and rulers 'philatelist'.

To a subject which has grown so extensively it was of course to be expected that the great Worlds' Fair of 1893 would have some reference; and a number of exhibitors from all parts of the world had rare and valuable stamps on view. Amongst the chief of these exhibitors Messrs. N. O. Bottliwalla and Co., of Abdool Rahman Street, Bombay, are specially noted as having one of the rarest and choicest collections in the official reproof the World' Fair. Bottliwalla and Co., have one of the finest and most extensive shows of postage and other stamps going: all the scarce and curious Indian ones and many odd and rare ones from various quarters of the earth"

 If you would like to read or just flick through the first Stamp Collectors' magazine (1863) click on its image below:

Click to download one for the worlds first stamp collectors magazine

Note that the Penny Black was only 23 years old by the time the first Stamp Collectors Magazine was published in 1863.

Monday 23 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - Colour Proofs

 While in France from early on the Government Printing Office has taken advantage of collectors search for unique elements and has officially printed colour proofs fro vemry early on and sold to collectors or given away to prominent figures,

Click above to learn more

this is not generally the case. Either way, colour proofs still remain rare and highly sought after by collectors as a way to enhance their collections.

Generally, colour proofs are made by the printers as a way to check the quality of the print of a new stamp issue. They are also part of the design and approval process of the stamp. Both these elements permit a certain amount of proofs to reach the market, from either the printer as a way to enhance income or from the post office as a way to please collectors.

Qatar is no exception to this, and there are a number of colour proofs, design proofs and other artefacts available for the collector, although they remain rare.

The below image (click to enlarge), is of the 1965 Fish series, for which it is relatively easy to find.

Click to enlarge

Friday 20 August 2021

1966 - Qatar Issue for the International Co-operation Year

A speech made by the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Lal Nehru at the United Nations General Assembly on the 10th of November 1961 motivated the world to look for ways to promote his idea of International Co-operation as a way to prevent conflict, specially in the new nuclear context.

It was believed that, increased public awareness of the extent and significance of existing co-operation, would lead to a better understanding of the world community and common interests of mankind as a whole.

In honour of his speech, the United General Assembly opted to designate 1965, the 20th year of the United Nations as the:
International Co-operation Year

The below stamps were issued by Qatar, on a sheet of 5 x 5 (i.e space for 25 stamps), but only spaces on the four corners were printed with stamps (total of 16 stamps). The blank gutters were on other sheets printed with the celebration of the United Nations 20th Anniversary.

Click to enlarge

Click on the image below to listen to India's Prime Minister 1961 UN General Assembly Speech

click to see video

Click on the image below to read the India's Prime Minister's 1961 UN General Assembly Speech
the link allows you to choose your favourite language
paragraph's 36 onwards refers to the International Co-operation

click to read speech


Thursday 19 August 2021

Local Dhows on stamps - an issue from 1976

One of Eastern Arabia's greatest limitations was the lack of wood from building materials. Dhows in particular requiring plenty and the larger ones requiring large strong beams. The best wood for ship building was the Indian Teak from the Malabar Coast, in the southwest of India. Generally with the import of the wood, skilled labourers - carpenters - and their tools would be imported as well. The larger Dhows, requiring pieces too large and so would be commissioned from boatyards on the Malabar Coast.

The Dhow was the main transport of goods throughout the Persian Gulf as well as a source of food (fishing) and valuables (pearls). The Dhows evolved to the requirements of each of these tasks, and as can be seen from the image below, a large number of designs and sizes soon grew.

Click to zoom

Types of Dhows used in Qatar;

The following text is as per the Qatar National Heritage Museum:

The huri was a small vessel, mainly used for short journeys and fishing expeditions.
These simple vessels were made from hollowed-out tree trunks.
This type of boat has been used in the Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean regions for thousands of years.

The battle was usually used for pearling expeditions, but could also be used for fishing, trading and in battle.
It has shallow draft (the distance from the waterline to the lowest point of the dhow), meaning that it could sail safely in the shallow waters around pearl beds.
This type of dhow is light, fast and versatile.

This type of dhow was used for pearling, fishing and trading expeditions.
It has a shallow draft allowing if to safely sail around the shallow waters around the coast of the Arabian Gulf.
The sank has a short keel (the bottom part of the dhow) making it easily manoeuvrable.

This type of show was usually used for pearl diving.
It is a medium sized dhow, usually 7-12 meters n length.
The shut is characterised by its upward curved stempost (the vertical post at the front of the dhow).

The boom has a pointed stern (the back part of the dhow) which allows it to travel quickly.
Large types of boom could carry large cargoes and travel long distances. Smaller types were used for pearling expeditions.
This dhow usually has two masts, although the largest types have three masts.

Abu Buz
A large dhow used for carrying cargo.
Abu bus is easily manoeuvrable and could sail in shallow waters.

The jalbut is known for its speed and versatility, and was used for pearling and fishing expeditions and other short journeys.
Some say the name is derived from the English term jolly boat, which were small vessels used by the British Royal Navy.
This type of dhow is distinguished by its square stern.

The baqqarah was originally used to carry cargo on trading voyages.
Smaller versions were used for pearling and fishing expeditions.
It has two masts.

A deep-sea vessel capable of carrying large cargoes and travelling long distances.
The baghlah was used for trading expeditions throughout the Gulf and as far afield as India.
This dhow is distinguished by its wide stern, decorations and large capacity.

Made from the spines of date-palm leaves, takes around two days to make one.


Wednesday 18 August 2021

What is the relationship between Tonga and Qatar Stamps ?

The Kingdom of Tonga in 1963 became a pioneer on a new stamp design with special properties allowing the stamps to resist the effects of extreme climate.

In the process they also launched a new security printer into the market on a recommendation from De La Rue.

Click on the image below to learn more.

click to zoom

Never heard of the kingdom of Tonga, below is a map showing its location. You can click on it to zoom.

click to zoom

Want to learn more about Qatar's Gold Coin Issue?
Click on the cover below:


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Qatar First Day Cover - how did philatelists all over the world get access to them ?

The world of philately is a unique. By the time Qatar started its own path down the road of becoming independent and having its own Postal Service, it is clear that many avid collectors already had their eye on Qatar.

The question whether the First Day Covers at the time were being market directly by the General Post Office or not, may not be easy to solve, but the below presentation may go a long way to solve it. Click on it to learn more.

I have a another blogs related to this subject (click below to learn more):


Monday 16 August 2021

Qatar General Post Office Issue for the Golden Age Scientists.

The Islamic Golden Age is the era in the history of Islam, traditionally between the 8th and 14th century.

During much of this period, most of the Islamic world was ruled by caliphates. Science, economic development and cultural works flourished.

This period is understood to have began during the reign of Abbasid caliph Hard Al Rashid (788 to 809) with the inauguration of the 'house of wisdom' in Baghdad. Scholars from all over the Islamic World were mandated to gather and translate the world's classic literature into Arabic.

The period is thought to have ended with the collapse of the Abbasid caliphate due to Mongol invasions and the Siege of Baghdad in 1258.

Ships on Qatar Postal Stamps - Want to learn their names ? Read on...

The first stamp on the below image is of a Qatar Stamp issue celebrating the UPU, and so has little if any connection to ships passing through Qatar. The ships belonged to the Peninsular and Oriental Company. It began its life mainly on routes from Britain to the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain). As it expanded, it absorbed the Oriental Line which mainly carried mail to India and the Far East and Australia.

The next two issues represent anniversaries of the United Arab Shipping Company. The company was founded in 1976 with the shareholders being the governments of Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE) and the headquarters were in Kuwait at the time. During the Iraq invasion of Kuwait the headquarters moved to Dubai.

In 1982, UASC commissioned 9 vessels from the Hyundai Heavy Industries, two of which were registered in Qatar as explained in the image below. It continued to grow, becoming one of the top 10 container shipping companies in the world, with a fleet of 56 vessels.

The company merged with Hapag-Lloyd in 2016, becoming its largest shareholder.

Other countries celebrations of the United Arab Shipping Company anniversaries:

Please let me know if you know the names of any of the un-named vessels on the above stamps.

Sunday 15 August 2021

Qatar General Post Office Olympic Issue of 1964 - what is the correct name for this issue?

Examining stamps and in particular the history surrounding their issue, is one of the best parts of philately.

The 1964 Olympic issue from Qatar, as we have seen before gave Qatar its first Black Blot from the American Philatelic Society (APS). This was later rescinded.

But looking carefully at eh reasons given from this we can find a few issues. The Arab Olympic Committee did not exist at the time. There was a United Arab Olympic Committee. 

Egypt and Syria had formed an union between 1958 and 1961 creating the United Arab Republic (UAR).

The United Arab Olympic Committee did have something to celebrate in 1964, click on the image below to learn more.

Whether the stamps celebrate the United Arab Olympic Committee, the Tokyo Olympics of 1964, may yet be unknown. But I believe the above explanation is the most plausible. Leave me your thoughts and comments below.


Saturday 14 August 2021

The Black Blot program consequences to Qatar Philately.

The American Philatelic Society (APS) was unashamedly proud of its Black Blot program as as such promoted it with other Philatelic bodies.

This had direct consequences as to which stamp issues would be included in the Stanley Gibbons catalogues, and which countries would be disqualified from exhibitions and so on.

The APS and its congeners had a particular disdain for souvenir sheets (or miniature sheets as sometimes they are referred to) and to imperf sheets. The latter resulted in Qatar being banned from Fédération Internationale de Philatélie exhibitions.

Click on the image below to see read further.

Although, never actually terminated, the Black Blot program lost some of its impact around 1980's.

Happily, nowadays Qatar Philatelic community remains well and alive, and no longer banned from exhibitions.


Qatar's 1964 Stamp Issue for the Tokyo Olympics was not !!! Black Blot Rescinded.

The Black Blot program of the American Philatelic Society (APS) had wide reaching arms, and sometimes did not examine the 'offenders' as throughly as they should. This is very much the case of the 1961 Definitive stamps overprinted with the Olympic rings in 1964.

The APS stated that it warranted being included in the Black Blot for two reasons:
1. Use of high value stamps
2. Country did not participate in the games

However, it was later pointed out to the APS that:
1. The 1961 10 Rupee stamp had been surcharged down to 1 Rupee
2. The rings were not synonymous with the Tokyo Olympics, the rings were arranged in a semi circle and not in the IOC manner. They actually were the rings of the Arab Olympic Committee.

The stamps were a celebration of Qatar's accession to the Arab Olympic Committee.

Surprisingly, Scott and Gibbon's and Qatar Stamp Album still refer to the issue as the Tokyo Olympics of 1964, but the Michel catalogue correctly refers to the issue as Qatar's Accession to the Arab Olympic Committee.


Qatar Stamps and the Black Blot program of the American Philatelic Society

Just as Qatar was taking its initial steps into postal independence, the American Philatelic Society was taking bold steps to protect its members from many of the new countries in the middle east region that were using philately as a means to enrich their coffers.

As such, Qatar was soon included in the wide reaching program without too much a fuss. As we shall see later, this resulted in some stamp issues being rescinded from the list. 

Click in the image below to see which five Qatar stamp issues were included in the 'Black Blot'.

I presume most of you, can easily find these stamps in the market. Perhaps a consequence of being blotted, making them less desirable to others.

If you haven't had a chance, read further into the Black Blot on my previous blog by clicking the text below.


Friday 13 August 2021

Qatar Education Day Stamp Issue 1981

From very early on, Qatar has been investing heavily on education its citizens as can be seen from a number of Qatar stamp issues.

In the particular case of the below stamp the logo on the stamp, for the education ministry can be seen was used on schools, printed matter and even the school busses of the time.


Thursday 12 August 2021

Qatar Stamps - FIFA World Cup Stadiums

The stamps depicting the eight spectacular stadiums that will host the World Cup Qatar 2022

The stamps feature the dramatic colours and designs of the brand and bring to life the stadiums. Each is unique masterpieces inspired by Qatari heritage and culture.

The eight stadiums are:
Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium
Lusail Stadium
Ras Abu Aboud Stadium
Al Janoub Stadium
Khalifa International Stadium
Al Thumama Stadium
Education City Stadium
Al Bayt Stadium


Qatar University on Qatar Stamps

From early on, Qatar has been investing heavily in education.

This can be seen on  a number of different stamp issues highlighting literacy, education, teachers and as in the case below, Qatar University.

The below stamps also serve to highlight one of the many buildings in Qatar that have been awarded the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.


Wednesday 11 August 2021

Qatar 1966 Coin Issue and the controversial Black Blot Program

The 1966 Qatar Coin stamp set was one of the reason to make me start collecting stamps of Qatar. Although not unique (some of the countries in the region have similar stamps) they certainly are eye catching.

The APS began in the 1960's a program eventually called the Black Blot Program with the idea to control what stamps collectors should avoid collecting and even preventing them from being included in stamp exhibitions.
There were five criteria to consider when placing stamps in the Black Blot:

1.  A limited printing or limited 'on sale' time;
2,  An excessively extended issue;
3.  Unwarranted high values included;
4.  No direct relationship to the issuing country;
5.  Oddities intentionally included with the issue.

By the time the program come to an end only five of Qatar's issues (between 1964 and 1972) were included inn the list. But none of the five included the Coin's 1966 issue.

Clearly, what should and should not be collectible is a matter of taste, and in the case of stamps of one's own country, even patriotism culture or even pride.

Yet, it was a similar cover, to the one below, that gave rise to a 2015 Linn's publications:

If you are interested in learning more about the Black Blot program go to:


Tuesday 10 August 2021

Q-Post launched a set of stamps displaying Qatar's Metro trains and terminal buildings on the 17th of December 2020

The Doha Metro system, operational since 2019 is the worlds newest metro system. As such Qatar took advantage of the latest technologies to make it one of the fastest driverless train system in the world.

Doha Metro lines as it is in 2021.


Qatar Stamps issued in 1969 - Qatar Security Forces

As Qatar began taking its first steps towards independence from Britain, it issued this set of stamps celebrating the development of its security forces and its top of the line equipment.

The stamps highlight:
  1. The marching band
  2. Alvis Saladin armoured car
  3. Infantry Regiment 
  4. The Ordnance QF-25 Pounder
  5. Westland Whirlwind Helicopter - see below for a video taken around 1960's
  6. Police Force

A video of the Westland Whirlwind Helicopter of the Qatar Air Arm taking off from the Old Doha Airport.


Doha, Qatar - Capital of Culture in the Islamic World Stamp Issue

The Qatar Post, on the 17th of July 2021, released a set of four stamps in a souvenir sheet format, to celebrate the occasion of Doha being the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World.

The nomination for this is made by the ICESCO - Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization whose headquarters are in Rabat, in the Kingdom of Morocco.

Check out their website:

Each year three cities are given the prestigious title, one in the Arab Region, another in Asia and the last one in the African Continent.

A number of events and ceremonies are planned for each city to mark the occasion.
The stamps depict (from left to right, top to bottom):
  1. Qatar National Library
  2. Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies
  3. Al Qubeb Mosque
  4. Museum of Islamic Art

This is the list of the selected capitals from 2015 until 2025.

A video released on the launch of the new stamps.

Monday 9 August 2021

Qatar First Day Covers (FDC)

One of the most collectible philatelic items are First Day Covers (FDC).

The first official design can be dated back to 1966, while the first cancellation hammer was used in 1976.
It was not until 1995 that First Day Covers were included in the Postal Notices of Qatar.


Sunday 8 August 2021

Qatar's Participation at the Tokyo Olympics

Tokyo Olympic Games were the most successful in Qatar's history, receiving two Gold Medals and a Bronze. Congratulations to all involved.


Friday 6 August 2021

Postal Notice advising that previously issued definitive series would be withdrawn from sale.

Postal Notice announcing the withdrawal from circulation of previous definitive issued stamps.


Thursday 5 August 2021

Postal Notice for the 1961 Definitive issue

This hard to come by Postal Notice provides interesting information on the stamps, in particular their designers and quantity printed.


Wednesday 4 August 2021

Qatar Postal Notice Formats between 1983 and 1997

Continuing from the previous post.

Between 1993 and 1997 the format of the Postal Notices kept interchanging between the old and new format.

Here I list which are which.

Click to zoom


Tuesday 3 August 2021

Qatar Postal Notice formats

The release of new stamps are generally accompanied by a Postal Notice which announces the date of release, and generally contains technical specificities of the stamps.

Postal Notices prior to 1975 are very rare and hard to find, please feel free to share any you may have.


Monday 2 August 2021

Se-tenant stamp issues of Qatar

Se-tenants are different stamps of the same set printed on the same sheet.

They may differ on design, colour, denomination or overprint.

The image below is a short list of the many se-tenants issued in Qatar.

With emphasis on the first se-tenant design, which unfortunately was never released along with the first released se-tenant. Both of which date back to 1966.


Sunday 1 August 2021

Stamp condition / quality

A quick analysis on stamp condition / quality.
Feel free to share your comments.