Friday 7 April 2023

Stamps - a small piece of art on a gummed paper.

Each Postal Authority generally has a resident artist who finalises the design of a stamp. They have to take a simple piece of art and modify it to fit the authorities brand and design concept.

This artist for Qatar Stamps since 2014 has been Mr. Abdellatif Zaian. His name can be found on the Postal Notice of each issue. Prior to him was Mr. Khaid Fikri, whose  name appears on the Postal Notices from October 2000.

Likewise, the painter of the actual art, also seems to be discarded by most of us. Today's post is about one of these painters. The man responsible for the 40th Anniversary of the GCC joint issued stamps. Mr. Salem Al Salami.

His art can be seen on his instagram account:

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