Sunday 30 April 2023

The photographer behind the Marine Organisms stamp issue

 Keeping with the general theme of this month - the artists behind the stamp designs.

I bring you a spectacular set of stamps issued back in 2017 with a few Marine Organisms found around the coast line of Qatar.

I hope you enjoy the images.

Having myself years ago attempted underwater photography (failing miserably) I know how skilful you need to be to get to this quality.

Friday 28 April 2023

Datestamps Types 18 to 21 !!!

 With the only documented record of Qatar Datestamps still being the Neil Donaldson "The Postal Agencies in Easter Arabia and the Gulf". 

Neil's work documented the first 17 types of datestamps used in the Qatar Postal system.

Perhaps it's time to start a new study. So, in the slides below I have identified the next types. Datestamp types 18 through to 21.

Please feel free to share any other type of datestamps used in Qatar that you may have in your collection.

Saturday 22 April 2023

First Hospital in Qatar

At first sight, it seems to be all about Bahrain. But the cover hides a little of the story of the first hospital to open in Doha, Qatar.

Do spend some time in reading it. I'm sure it will prove interesting.

Friday 14 April 2023

Women Artists Work on Qatar Stamps.

On my post of the 16th of September 2021 I highlighted the role of women shown in Qatar stamps (feel free to search for it).

In it I listed the two stamps issues designed by Mrs. Hessa Al Muraikhi and Miss Saeeda Abdulaziz Al Bader, but of course the list is now incomplete. It is missing Miss. Bouthayna Al Muftah, responsible for the design of the 11th December 2022 - FIFA World Cup Official Poster.

All three are accomplished artist who do not require additional introduction in their own fields, but perhaps not as well within our philately community. My search for their own, has been a very pleasant endeavour with surprising results. As such, I thought no one would mind if I include their stamps and a little of their own work in the next few slides.

Thursday 13 April 2023

Stamp Designers

 Just like the stamps celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the GCC.

These three sets were also paintings converted into stamps. The artists are named. But I haven't been able to find additional paintings by them.

Could you help ?


Friday 7 April 2023

Stamps - a small piece of art on a gummed paper.

Each Postal Authority generally has a resident artist who finalises the design of a stamp. They have to take a simple piece of art and modify it to fit the authorities brand and design concept.

This artist for Qatar Stamps since 2014 has been Mr. Abdellatif Zaian. His name can be found on the Postal Notice of each issue. Prior to him was Mr. Khaid Fikri, whose  name appears on the Postal Notices from October 2000.

Likewise, the painter of the actual art, also seems to be discarded by most of us. Today's post is about one of these painters. The man responsible for the 40th Anniversary of the GCC joint issued stamps. Mr. Salem Al Salami.

His art can be seen on his instagram account:

Thursday 6 April 2023

Offset Printing

Offset printing.

There are plenty of examples of offset printing, not only for Qatar, but also most of the regional states. This is due to the changes in currency that most of the regional states underwent requiring plenty of overprints.

But what causes an offset print?

The general perceived theory is that a sheet is placed onto another recently (still wet) sheet and the ink is therebytransfered. But here is a different view, which I believe makes more sense.

Please share your opinion as to which is your favourite theory.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

1965 Fish Stamp forgeries

Today, a good friend asked me to look at what a seller claimed to be  printing company discarded stamps.
Possibly a valuable variety.

As philatelists and collectors, we are always looking for a unique piece for our collection, so the temptation to purchase these too good to be true offers remains strong.

On a closer inspection they proved to be forgeries.

Below I include three slides clarifying the reasons for the claim.

As always, the more valuable a stamp, the more likely it will be subject to forgeries.

Whenever possible, depend on reputable dealers.

Tuesday 4 April 2023

Colour Variation

Today just thought of adding a little colour to the story.

Colour variation in the Wilding Series stamps.