Tuesday 14 December 2021

Qatar - Universal Postal Union Centenary stamp issue

As you probably know by now. My interest is in the history portrait on the stamps of Qatar. Occasionally this will take on an adventure of its own as is the case of the features on the stamps celebrating the Centenary of the UPU displayed below.

Click to enlarge

At a first glance, it all makes sense. but a closer inspection not all is correct.

2 Dirham stamp - Camel riders delivering mail moving to today's trucks. But in Qatar the main form of desert transport has been the horse.

3 Dirham stamp - this is clearly not correct, until now, no train service includes Qatar. I would still appreciate if someone could let me know what are the trains on this stamp.

10 Dirham stamp - P & O ships. These did not have a regular service to Qatar and so were a little hard to track, the lower ship thanks to the American Philatelist and an Indian Post postcard I was able to identify, while the upper ship appears to be the P&O Iberia but probably did not sail through Qatar.

75 Dirham stamp - clearly identifies the old manual mail sorting to todays automated version.

1 Riyal 25 Dirham stamp - from the old scribe involved in reading and writing letters for others to todays standard postal service centres.

Read more on the three main discrepancies on the image below.

Click to enlarge


1 comment:

  1. sorry - just reposting my note in case you didn't see it.

    hello. antonio. My name is Khalid im very intrigued by the posts you enter. I went to the stamps youth center in Doha on DEC-15-2021. it was my third time in my life, while I love the pictures and the stories that stamp explain, I was baffled I did not find any type of wiki or book on each stamp and its history, it's lovely to see such a blog here as the members mentioned your name. my name is khalid al-salat. While i'm just a regular person who went to the center that day, I would love to support you publishing a book on these stamps. I may not be able to help, but I'm very intrigued and willing to help in any shape or form.

    please contact me : khalidat223@hotmail.com - or through instagram @bowaleed_qtr
