Thursday 9 December 2021

First recorded mail to Qatar

I have been for sometime looking for covers sent to Qatar prior to the establishment of the Political Officer office in May 1950. Clearly no city or country lives in isolation and so there must have been all types of correspondence.

In the 19th century, most of it would have taken the form of scrolls sent by messenger as can be seen on the 1968 Qatar Stamps celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Qatar Postal Service:

Click to enlarge

In fact, from the scribe reading the letters, to the pigeon mail, camel / horse rider, boat, all these elements must have been part of the mail system. Notice that the 1.25 Riyal stamp not only has the camel rider mailman on the forefront, but in the sky above a jet aircraft can be seen, already the main method for mail worldwide.

Back to the first recorded cover to/from Qatar. Below is one such example. I would like for my readers to send images of any other covers from prior to 1950 to/from Qatar.

Click to enlarge


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