Wednesday 15 May 2024

1996 Definitive Stamp Issue - New Discovery

Sometimes, the luckiest of us find one rare stamp, stumble onto an unknown stamp, or discover that mysterious stamp missing from our collection.

Today, I report not on one or two but on three stamps issued in 2006, which were discovered only on May 8, 2024.

It appears that since the previous stocks hadn't been exhausted, these stamps remained in the treasury.

As part of this discovery, I would like to clarify the issue dates of these stamps. This is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy of our collections and the historical record of these stamps.

The first image below shows the story as it stood until May 8 of this year, showing all 23 known stamps.

I had an issue with the 5 Riyals (Dull Ultramarine) stamps facing left that was attributed to 2006, as highlighted on slide 2.

But with the three new stamps now discovered, all facing to the right, clearly the previous question, must belong to the 2005 re-issue. So, the final slide has the complete collection as of today with the appropriate dates. To ensure collectors can correctly place their stamps, I have included the colour definition of each stamp.

The series as was known until May 8th, 2024

My concern with the one stamp
Full collection as known today

Thursday 2 May 2024

A quick preview of book 1

The book is available for purchase. 

It is a large format (36x27 cm) and has approximately 460 full-colour pages.

It weighs 3.3 kg
The book cost Qr 250
Plus shipping EMS - 3.5kg
USA QR 325
Egypt QR230
Qatar QR 76