Wednesday 10 August 2022

Qatar FIFA 2022 World Cup Poster Stamp

The latest of the FIFA Cup series of stamps issued by Qatar Post shows the official World Cup poster. It clearly shows the feeling of Qatari's in the joy and pride of hosting the world cup, which is a celebration of not only football but also of strong community, cultural, credence and racial integration world wide. Clearly showing Qatar's multicultural and 'melting pot' society.

I'm looking forward to the start of this celebration, in the mean time please click on the image below to learn more on the stamp.

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Tuesday 9 August 2022

Qatar Airways 25th Anniversary Stamp Issue

Qatar Airways - One of the world's leading airlines celebrates its 25th Anniversary this year. Amongst many of the promotions and campaigns for the occasion is another stamp issue (the 2nd for Qatar Airways).

The souvenir sheet details a few of the milestones in Qatar Airways history. As with the previous issue a commemorative folder was issues and uniquely a VIP Box was also issued.

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Sunday 7 August 2022

Qatar Stamps - Honouring the Covid-19 Front Line Workers

Stamps have been issued to help gather funds for cures, treatment and prevention of diseases since 1904. or simply to raise awareness to particular diseases (see below).

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Qatar has been no exception to this, with stamps being issued celebrating the World Health Organization (WHO) - one good example is the 1973 Qatar issue celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the WHO (see below).

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This year, Qatar Post issued a set of two stamps honouring the front line workers during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic (see below).

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