Saturday 30 April 2022

Qatar History as told by a School Teacher

The advantage of Aerogrammes is the story preserved in them.

This is a brilliant description of life in Qatar in 1962, from the perspective of a recently arrived school teacher.

She describes her daily life, the supermarket, lifestyle of various residents, hospital, cars, etc.

Click to enlarge

Monday 25 April 2022

In search of that rare stamp may result in finding forgeries

 We all love to add errors to our collections, as these tend to be rare, and therefore increase the uniqueness.

Double prints, tend to be one of the most common errors. This being particular true in the region, due to change in currencies.

However, the below examples, are simple errors in the initial print (not currency change), but at a closer inspection, it seems that someone was taking advantage of our need for rarities, and created the below - i.e. possible forgeries.

Feel free to share your opinions or other examples.

Click to enlarge 

Click to enlarge

Sunday 24 April 2022

50 Years of Qatar Japan Diplomatic Relationship

On the 4th of February 2022, Qatar and Japan celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations, with a few events.

Qatar Post, on the 6th of April, issued the below personal sheet with the cinderella's highlighting iconic images of both countries.

Click to enlarge